Reyn is no exception, and partnering Riki with Reyn allows you to craft and heat the strongest gems available.

Riki's multiple gem crafting ability during a single round works well with literally everyone that is great with a single type of flame. Partnering him with Reyn who uses Strong flames constantly makes this pair a beast when crafting single quality gems! Shooter Partnering him with Shulk, who can get into a fever, can make some groundbreaking success when crafting single quality gems! Shooterĭunban's ability allows him to enhance qualities further when a flame's temperature remains constant. Unfortunately, no other character is extremely great at using strong flames aside from him. Reyn can enhance the effect of strong flames. Note: Possible spoilers about characters ahead! Proceed with caution if you have not completed Chapter 9: Prison Island yet. Moral support always comes in handy! Gem Crafting Best Pairs Party Support enhances the effect of a single round.

How to Raise Affinity | Affinity Farming Guide High Affinity Triggers Party Support Improving everyone's affinity with each other (not just the pair used for crafting) will greatly increase the options of gem crafting available to you. Improve the Affinity of all your Characters Choosing a crystal, then turning the suggestions on will sort all crystals with crystals that share the qualities of your chosen crystal taking the first available slots. It will get harder to look for crystals with specific qualities. You will most likely get a bunch of gems during your playthrough. Enhancing a high quality with strong flames will greatly improve the chance of making that quality enter a heated status. This will make the gem crafting process start at 140% to 180%.

You must choose Crystals and Cylinders from the same rank to combine. How to Craft Gems Choose Crystals and Cylinders of the Same Rank